(This website is currently under development.)

"Happy are those who dream dreams and are ready to pay the price to make them come true"--Leon J. Suenes.

They take the pursuit of entrepreneurialism to its greatest level of achievement.

The Bennington Group is an emerging business development consortium of professionals who provide services and consultation on all aspects of starting a business or assisting an owner or management of an established entity through all stages of development right up to the point of preparing to become a public company.

When completed the website will have complete instructions for developing documentation on business structuring, strategic and business planning; capital formation; marketing and sales strategies including franchising, distributorship's, joint ventures, partnerships, creative business alliances; media communications, and public relations.

The viewer will also be able to link to hundreds of external and Internet resources as well, which may assist the layperson in establishing missions, goals, objectives, operational plans, and budgets for a business.

The Bennington Group also produces television and radio talk shows, with its Managing Director and Producer, Bill Carr, serving as host and moderator. Shows are produced both in a studio venue as well as on location. The shows cover a broad spectrum of subjects, including topics spanning the business world, marketing, financial, media communications, environmental, energy generation, conservation, politics, sports, medical, travel and recreation, and computer technology.

Our network of affiliated working consultants provide services in such fields as business development, leadership building, marketing and sales programs, bankruptcy turnarounds, financial resources, environmental, energy generation, medical practitioners, computer design and technology, outdoor and leisure time recreational enthusiasts, travel and sports world celebrities. We are also committed to providing advocacy needs on behalf of our clients and the business community in general before federal and state legislative and governmental agencies.

We are projecting to be fully operational with this website sometime in 2010.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

W.R. "Bill" Carr

Managing Director

P.O. Box 24921

Louisville, Kentucky

Postal Code 40224

